About Pelangi Scientist Magazine 关于《彩虹科学家》
Thursday, December 3, 2009
第一名:林洁心 首邦市力行华小
第二名:陈思棋 吉隆坡南强华小
第三名:吴思慧 巴生中华华小
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009
Winners Galore 科学竞技场优胜者
Encourage all your friends to participate in Science Arena, and believe me, it’s gonna be a great experience! And you don’t need any swords to battle in this ‘arena’.
PS32 Science Arena CHAMPIONS (note the word ‘champions’? Everyone is more than a winner. They’re C-H-A-M-P-I-O-N-S!):
Champion No. 1: Chong Kah Chun SJK(C) Sg. Chua
第一位冠军:张嘉俊 锡米山华小
Champion No. 2: Koay Zhi Long SJK(C) Peng Min
第二位冠军:郭智隆 平民小学

Champion No. 3: Kow Tin Keat SJK(C) Tsun Jin
第三位冠军:高定国 循人华小
Champion No. 4: Lau Su Chin SJK(C) Ek Thei
第四位冠军:刘思琴 益智小学
Champion No. 5: Loh Yi Chean SJK(C) Kwang Hwa
第五位冠军:罗伊倩 北海光华

Champion No. 6: Phuan Hong Won SJK(C) Lai Chee
第六位冠军:陈乐文 励志华小

Champion No. 7: Sim Sheng Yii SJK(C) Chung Hua
第七位冠军:沉圣益 诗巫中华小学
These are the photos we manage to capture so far. The other CHAMPIONS for PS32 are:
8. Tan Yi Jing SJK(C) Sin Hua
9. Tan You Leei SJK(C) Foon Yew 1
10.Yap Yike May SJK(C) Sungai Way
11. Foo Shi Hong SJK(C) Pin Hwa 1
12. Chan Sheng Yao SJK(C) San Min 2
13. Lee Xue Fen SJK(C) Kuo Kang 2
14. Eng Zhe Heng SJK(C) Pei Hwa
15. Lui Jia Hui SJK(C) Kuo Min, Nilai
8.陈奕晶 新华小学
9.陈宥睿 新山宽柔一小
10.叶郁渼 双溪威华小
11.符式弘 雪州巴生滨华(一)校
12.陈升耀 三民二校
13.李雪芬 国光二校
14.翁誌亨 培华华小
15.刘嘉辉 汝来国民华小
OK, here are other pics we owed for the previous PS champions!!!
PS31: Caleb Thian Jia Le SJK(C) Chung Hua Batyu 4 ½
第31期:田家乐 四哩半中华公学
PS29: Thor Yuan Zhong SJK(C) Sin Min
第29期:涂沅忠 新民学校

PS28: Neo Tzyy Zheng SJK(C) Peng Min
第28期:梁子钲 平民小学

Keep up the good work, guys!!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
彩虹摊位号码:D11 – D22
日期:24/11/09 (Tuesday)
时间:11.30am - 5.00pm
日期:28/11/09 (Saturday)
时间:2.00pm - 4.00pm
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Science Arena 30 Winners 第30期科学竞技场的优胜者
《彩虹科学家》小组风尘仆仆前往参访蒲种汉民华小... ...

... and guess who they met?

Yup, they met Mr. Kew Ding Kang, who is actually one of the winners for Science Arena 30.

Guess one shot wasn't enough. Here's another snapshot of Mr. Kew, with his book hamper prize!
Here were other winners we managed to catch up with!

Mr. Yee Hong Hui SJK(C) Chung Kuok (6 Jasmine)
余洪辉 中国公学(6 Jasmine)
叶雪柔 蕉赖十一哩华小(6A)
Friday, July 3, 2009
PS 29's Science Arena "Warriors"! 第29期科学竞技场的“勇士们”!
For those of you who haven't gone for the Science Arena "battle", we're actually waiting for you to show off your great science skills, and intelligence! Don't worry. You won't lose blood in this "battle". All you need to bring is your BRAIN, and no swords required, seriously.
All these winners below (and previous winners as well) span across many states in Malaysia. Wow. This "battle" has gone national!
We (the Pelangi Scientist team) is REALLY proud of you. Don't stop there, okay?
All of those winners are officially inducted in our Pelangi Scientist Science Arena HALL OF FAME:
1) Anuar Zaki B. Salleh (Year 4)四年级, SRI Abim, Sg. Ramal
2) Choo Siew Ching, SJK(C) Puay Chai,6L
3)Tan Wei Xian, SJK(C) On Pong,4J
4)Chen Yao Hong, SJK(C) Kampung Baru Semenyih,6K
5)Chen Huey Sin, SJK(C) Jalan Imbi,3M
10)Peng Chee Wei SJK(C) Naam Kheung,6N
14)Low Yu Xuan SJK(C) Yu Hua,2B
Friday, June 26, 2009
All Ears for the Big-Eared Fish 长出大耳朵的鱼
It’s really weird to hear about fish having big ears because of carbon dioxide. But it is true. This is like hearing that we get a bloated stomach after inhaling too much carbon dioxide gas.
Recent new findings have shown that the ears of fish get bigger and bigger due to acidic sea waters. Sea waters become acidic after absorbing increasing levels of carbon dioxide.
Yes, carbon dioxide has an effect on fish ears, which are actually structured inside their bodies. Ever heard of ‘otolith’? It is actually the name of the fish’s ear structure.
So why does a fish’ ears grow bigger after inhaling a fair amount of carbon dioxide? Well, for one thing, no one knows for sure. But scientists are not saying that BIG ears are bad for the fish, really.
Our humankind went through an evolutionary process since millions and millions of years ago. We really look different back then. Our ancestors may have facial features which look extremely different than we have today.
I wonder how I got that huge bump on my ankle (which has been there for ages). It must have been genetically passed down from my big-bump-ankle ancestor.
And even animals went through evolution. Remember Charles Dawrin? He was responsible for coming up with the theory that living things change physically to adapt to their new environment.
Such as short-necked tortoises which went through evolution to have longer necks to reach for food from tall plants.
And snakes actually descended from a line of the lizard species. They somehow lost their limbs so they were able to glide easily to hunt for food or to move around.
The same thing goes for this fishes with BIG ears. Maybe they need to evolve at some point in response to the threat of carbon dioxide.
I seriously don’t know how BIG ears can work in that case, but they’re definitely there for some reason.
Let’s leave it to the scientists to uncover this intriguing mystery of the fish with the big ears.
When the truth has been unveiled, we’re definitely all EARS for that.
For more news on the mystery of the big-eared fish, go to http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090625/ap_on_sc/us_sci_size_matters;_ylt=AorwXJOSrTh6R2AuX6bpZ2EPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJraXExbHY1BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwNjI1L3VzX3NjaV9zaXplX21hdHRlcnMEY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMxBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA3N1cnByaXNlZmlzaA--
欲了解更多有关神秘的大耳鱼的消息,可以浏览以下的网址: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090625/ap_on_sc/us_sci_size_matters;_ylt=AorwXJOSrTh6R2AuX6bpZ2EPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJraXExbHY1BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkwNjI1L3VzX3NjaV9zaXplX21hdHRlcnMEY3BvcwMxBHBvcwMxBHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA3N1cnByaXNlZmlzaA--
A Bang of Revelation 大爆炸启示录
Yes, it is.
Our large, humongous universe used to be the size of a dot! How can this be, you may ask? I mean, how can we all live in one tiny dot? That just sounds like a tall tale, like something out of a science fiction. Whether if you want to believe or not, it’s real!
At least, billions and billions of years ago.Yup, that’s right.
Got a ‘bang’ of surprise?
The big bang theory assumes that our universe expanded 10 to 20 billion years ago from just a tiny dot. That tiny dot is actually a condensed form of matter, which exploded and slowly expanded…..
…to what we have today—a big, BIG universe!
When the explosion happened, matters move rapidly outwards, causing the universe to expand. Even right now, the universe is expanding.It took 20 billion years for our universe to be this size it is today!
If only we can just simply create our own new Utopian world, with just one tiny dot from scratch.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
"Invincible" Woodpeckers “无敌”啄木鸟
Okay. There’s high probability that your nose would go flat or the bridge of your nose would be crushed.
So you really do not want to do that, seriously. But God is really (and I mean REALLY) good to woodpeckers. Wanna know why?
When a woodpecker slams its nose onto a tree trunk repeatedly at 7 meters per second, you would the woodpecker to drop dead due to blunt force trauma. Especially when that kind of slamming is over 1000 times the force of gravity. But no … the woodpecker is still okay! Amazing, isn’t it?
Now why on earth makes woodpecker’s beak so “invincible”? Well, for one thing, woodpeckers have small brains. Now that doesn’t mean that they are stupid. No, it doesn’t mean that. Because their brains are relatively small inside their skull, this prevents them from moving too much inside the skull. So their brains are sort of “intact” and safe.
If you’ve ever seen a human brain (from a chart or some science reference), you would see that our brains have those folds and they look like tangled strings of noodles. In other words, we have “unsmooth” brains. But woodpeckers’ brains have smooth surfaces. With a high surface area, the impact force exerted on the area can reduced, thus, preventing injuries.
And it helps to have cerebrospinal fluid in your brain. Woodpeckers have just that! This special fluid helps reduce shock waves to the brain!
If your trees need pecking, you’ll know WHO to look for.
Flat "Pancakes" 珊瑚礁变成“薄饼”了
And it’s all because of climate change.
Yup. Due to climate change, a multi-layered structure of Caribbean coral reefs are flattened like pancakes (ok, not really, but you get the idea) on the seabed. That’s how horrible it is.
Coral reefs are really important. Sure, they look beautiful and stuff, but they actually DO more than that! Coral reefs provide homes to fish, and act as a barrier against hurricanes and storms. Coastal villages can be protected from tidal surges and storm waves.
And the really sad thing is that if you were to dive in the Caribbean seas, you would see about THREE QUARTERS of flattened coral reefs scattered on the reef area! That would seriously be a horrible sight for scuba divers who want to relish the beauty of undersea beauty!
Fishing communities will be badly affected as marine creatures of commercial importance such as lobsters cannot find refuge in coral reefs anymore. This is because coral reefs also provide hunting areas for fishermen to catch large fish.
However, not all the “destruction” of coral reefs are attributed to climate change. Coral reefs get sick too, you know. Yup, diseases can also kill coral reefs.
And even tiny organisms have STRESS! Can you believe that? Stress is one of the factors that make coral reefs join the coffin team. That is because tiny organisms which are responsible for building coral reefs will abandon their colonies if they get STRESSED! Yup, it could be the uncomfortable climate change. This kind of damage is known as “coral bleaching”.
But we can’t blame that. It’s not like these organisms are getting their paycheck.
The only way we can SAVE coral reefs now is to change the way we do things as humans and strive to find ways to reduce pollution which contribute to climate change. As individuals, we can start by carpooling, which reduces car use. Which in turn reduces the emission of carbon monoxide.
Recycling is also IMPORTANT. Remember, the more you recycle (especially paper), trees will thank you for preventing chainsaws from rapidly cutting them for paper manufacturing. The more trees we have, the air will be cleaner and healthier.
These are several SMALL things we can do which can make a HUGE DIFFERENCE.
Yeah, I know. Big industrial factories emit toxic gases into the air every few seconds. I don’t expect you to run to the factory and start a mass picket.
No, I don’t.
Just do those small things. Every little effort helps. Read up more on ways to conserve to environment. Go to the library. Have a group talk with friends about the environment (and WAYS to save them of course).
And when you dive into the Caribbean one day, you won’t have to see ugly flat “pancakes”.
You can read more on the Caribbean coral reefs at: http://www.newsdaily.com/stories/tre55872w-us-climate-reefs/
共生藻类也有“压力”哦!你相信吗?“压力”是使珊瑚礁加入“死亡队伍”的其中一个原因。珊瑚体内的共生海藻会提供能量给珊瑚。但当它们有了“压力”而离开珊瑚时,就会使珊瑚白化,最终因失去营养供应而死;也有可能是全球暖化导致水温升高造成的。这种损害称为“珊瑚白化” 。
Friday, May 29, 2009
Science Arena 28 Winners 第28期科学竞技场的优胜者
Congratulations to those winners! For those who didn't make it, DON'T give up. You were ALL great, seriously.

Wow, where did all the flowers come from? Koh Wai Chuen (SJK(C) Kwang Chien) must be one lucky guy! You got to hand it to us to shower you with LOTS and LOTS of..... flowers? (Even an average Valentine couple don't GET that much flowers! You're seriously LUCKY!)
哇,这些花从哪来的呢?高伟全小朋友(广建小学)一定是幸运儿!你是想向我们展示这些美丽的花吗? (即使是情人节也不会拿到这么多鲜花吧!你真是幸运!)

Cheng Zhang Yi (SJK(C) Bt. 11 Cheras) is one enthusiastic-looking winner! Glad to know you're happy and excited! I mean, you got LOTS of books to read! Great, exciting books, to be exact. To keep you occupied and happy!
See? Isn't it great that we actually pay a 'royal' visit to the winners' school? Come let us pamper you!
Don't forget to participate in the Science Arena challenge in the Pelangi Scientist magazine every month and stand a chance to win amazing prizes!
More photos coming up!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Science Arena 27 Winners 第27期科学竞技场的优胜者
What happens when you walk into this school? (Notice that the weather was very dark, and we needed to find SHELTER fast!)
You find a smart kid! And one with a REALLY cool cap. You look awesome! Congratulations to Yeoh E-Chng from SJK(C) Kim Sen! We seriously love that tie. It complements your cap!
So for those of you who want us to visit your school (and SURPRISE you, of course), make sure you enter Science Arena contests every month! But you’ll HAVE to answer the quiz correctly! So what are you waiting for? Join and win!
And we promise that the next time we visit your school, it won’t be because there’s a thunderstorm.
Here are more photos! (And it's a slideshow, so you can sit back and relax!)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
UnbeLEECHable! 神奇的水蛭!
And by many, I don’t mean 4, 5, 7 or 10.
I MEAN 32 brains!!!!!!
Yes, be stupefied. Be shocked. Leeches REALLY have 32 brains! And we humans have only 1 brain.
And we’re SMARTER.
Actually, even though leeches have that many brains, they don’t function exactly like a human brain. So don’t expect leeches to construct an atomic bomb anytime soon. Which is a good thing, by the way.
Leeches not have only 32 brains, but they have 3 JAWS!!! And each has 115-120 teeth.
No wonder leeches can suck a lot of blood. They can gorge themselves up to five times their own body weight in pure, red blood! Sounds vampire-scary, doesn’t it?
However, have no fear. Leeches aren’t really bad creatures. They really aren’t. In fact, they can help save your limb. Or even your head (probably). But they can save your LIFE (more importantly!).
Leeches were first used in medicine about 1000 B.C.. And now leeches are used for biosurgery. Biosurgery is a surgery in which biological agents (such as leeches) are used. They are used as a research tool too nowadays.
So how can a leech save your life, you ask? Well, let’s say that you sort of tore your arm off (not recommended), and you need surgery to reattach your arm back. During the surgery, blood is carried through your arteries to your wound area.
And if your veins haven’t healed, a bad congestion can happen. And this puts you in a risk.
So the leech comes and sucks every drop of blood to prevent that congestion! And the best part is … you DON’T feel pain!!!!!! Great, isn’t it? That is because leeches have their own natural anesthetic.
Isn’t that miraculous, considering that the scary leech has 32 brains and 3 jaws?
We really have to salute leeches.They CAN save a LIFE!
Not bad for a creature whose 32 brains are useless.
Monday, May 4, 2009
TALL tale? 关于增高的传说?
Go to space!
Yes, it’s true. People grow taller by two inches in space! It may be hard to believe, but there’s a science explanation for this.
Astronauts in space need space suits which are inches taller than they are. That is because they grow two inches taller while in space. If the suits are not made slightly bigger, then their head will squeeze against the suit!
Ok. So why do astronauts grow taller in space? Well, it’s all about gravity, I tell you. Due to the loss of gravity in space, there is no force to compress your spine. Think of your spine as a spring.
Release your grip on a spring, and it will bounce back to full shape. That’s the way it works with your spine.
As there’s gravity on earth, this force of gravity compresses or pushes down our spine. But in space, our spines will elongate as there is to force to push the spines back down.
However, astronauts will return back to their normal height again when they are back on earth!
So you can’t be taller (than you are now) forever.
Unless you decide to live in space for a long, long time.
ETernally EThanol (Hopefully) 希望的燃料--乙醇
You hear about road accidents. Or maybe a man who rammed his car into a pole.
But that is not the ‘dangerous’ I’m talking about. No.
I’m talking about gasoline. The petrol we used in our cars to keep them moving. So what’s so dangerous about gasoline?
Well, for one thing, gasoline is dangerous to the environment indirectly. Gasoline produces greenhouse gases, and this leads to global warming. But of course, we still have to depend on gasoline. If not, then how are our cars going to move?
I don’t think you’re going to want to push your car with your bare hands. Or employ a horse to pull your car.
I don’t think so. We want our cars to be moved by an energy source (which gasoline produces).
So is there an alternative to gasoline?
Ok. Don’t celebrate yet. But there’s some GOOD news here!
The answer is ….. ethanol!!!! Yes. We can actually use ethanol as an alternative fuel because it produces cleaner emissions than your typical gasoline.
But first, what is ethanol? Ok, ethanol is actually an alcohol-based fuel, which is derived from crops such as corn and sugarcane. There are few types of ethanol, such as E85 and E10.
E85 ethanol consists of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. E10 is a blend of 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline.
So if you like blend ethanol with gasoline, emissions produced are cleaner (as ethanol percentage increases, that is).
But there’s a drawback to ethanol. We know that ethanol is a contributory factor to cleaner emissions, but some BAD news too!
Currently, there are more gasoline fuel stations than ethanol stations! And to accommodate the consumption of ethanol, a whole pipeline network would have to be built for ethanol itself!!! That would consume a LOT of money, time, and energy!
Even large-scale bio-refineries have to be constructed if we’re to completely switch to ethanol fuels! And do you know that ethanol is more EXPENSIVE that gasoline? You also get fewer miles with ethanol than with gasoline.
Sigh. But hopefully one day, the whole world will be AWARE of global environmental concerns and support the use of ethanol!
Don’t we ALL want a better world? Really.
To learn about recent issues concerning ethanol as an alternative fuel, read this piece of interesting news at http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090503/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_ethanol_climate;_ylt=Auj1MUubEbob7yNX9pUJsHMPLBIF
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Swine flu attack! 猪流感来袭!
Beware! You may have swine flu!!!
Ok, I do not want to cause panic, really. Chances are, you may not have swine flu, but recently, swine flu cases have been on the rise, especially in Mexico!
Extra precaution should be taken to ensure that people like you and me do not contract this swine flu virus!
So what is actually swine flu?
Swine flu is actually a respiratory disease of pigs! So actually, the disease starts in pigs first! The viruses spread among the pigs which are in contact with each other. Now, the virus will only be transmitted only if the virus is really there! So not all pigs have swine flu if the virus is absent!
And somehow, humans may have come in contact with those infected pigs, and they carry the disease around. Humans spread the disease to other humans through contact.
Now, this disease has been raised to pandemic level worldwide! There are even travel bans to Mexico, where swine flu cases are the highest. So if you’re going to Mexico, you may want to rethink for the moment.
So what can you do to ensure you’re in the pink of health?
First, if you cough, cough into a tissue. Germs can spread into the air, you know.
Always, always, always wash your hands, and make sure you’re clean.
Do all these simple things while the World Health Organization (WHO) takes steps to combat this infectious disease.
To learn more about the swine flu case, read about the recent news at this website:
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What an EYE-opener! 大开眼界!
They are prey to many animals such as crab, starfish and octopus.
And even us human beings, who catch them for food!
They really need to ‘see’ who’s gonna catch them so they can make a run for it.
Unfortunately, amazing as it sounds, scallops CANNOT see! So their eyes are practically useless. So why do they have that MANY eyes???
Their eyes ACTUALLY work to detect motion and light. Let’s say that if some octopus comes near them, their eyes sense the signals of the movement and the scallops will shut immediately. This ACTUALLY helps to protect the scallops.
Ok, scallops are a little like mutants. If you were to damage their eyes in some ways, their eyes WILL regenerate within two months! Amazing, isn’t it?
Besides having a weird range of 100 eyes, scallops travel around by flapping the halves of their shells together.
There are around 360 species of scallops in the world, and they can be found in coastal waters.
Scallops are indeed ‘eye-catching’ creatures, if you know what I mean.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Let's Say No to Turtle Eggs! 向海龟蛋说不!
Well, it’s not because it’s poisonous or the egg will turn you into a mutant if you eat it. NO. That is not the reason.
It’s BECAUSE marine turtles are facing the threat of extinction! That is why our good friend, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), is doing whatever it takes to stop man from poaching turtle eggs!
Turtle eggs are sold openly in Malaysia due to steady demands. And people continue buying them, oblivious to the fact that the number of marine turtle species is on an alarming decline.
In the 1950s, there were 10,000 leatherback Turtles in Terengganu. But now, it’s just only 10 a year! How scary is that? Imagine that you’d won RM10,000. And suddenly, you go on a crazy spree and end up with RM10.
That’s a MAJOR change, I tell you!
And by EATING turtle eggs, you’re killing the turtle species with one swallow of your mouth. Imagine the turtle egg lying RIP in the hollows of your stomach. How horrible is that?
Turtles are such beautiful creatures, and it would be sad to see them literally GONE one day. Do we really want that to happen?
No, we don’t.
So if you’re presented with a turtle egg, or you have friends who are going to eat a turtle egg, SAY NO!
If you want eggs, there are LOTS of chicken eggs around the world. Why pick turtle eggs when marine turtles are dying faster than the chickens of the world?
Be smart. Make a wise move. Save our loving turtles.
Your TINY action can make a HUGE difference!
Read more on WWF’s action to save marine turtles here:
'HEART' to believe!!!! 難以置信!!!!
Really (no kidding). That’s the mystery of nature. You keep wondering why God gives an octopus three hearts. You’d think that octopuses are loving and kind because they have a BIG heart!
Don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t try to hug an octopus in case it tries to strangle me with its slimy and slick tentacles. And probably ooze some ink at me for disturbing it.
So WHY do octopuses have that many hearts? Two smaller hearts are actually used to pump blood to the gills. The blood loads up on oxygen here, and then goes to the main heart. This oxygen-rich blood will then be pumped out through the octopus’ body.
And guess what? The blood is not red, like us human’s. An octopus’ blood colour is ACTUALLY blue!!!! That’s because octopuses have a protein called hemocyanin, which causes their blood to be BLUE! Ours is RED because we have a protein called hemoglobin.
THREE hearts? BLUE blood? (They could be royal descendents. Who knows?)
That’s ‘HEART’ to believe.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
EARTH DAY! 世界地球日!
It is EARTH DAY today! Yes, it’s really a special day to remind us how important our earth is! So important that we just shouldn’t sit there and do nothing about it! So what can you do on your part to celebrate this event?
Well, for starters, you don’t have to REALLY do anything big. There are organizations around the world holding big workshops and activities to create awareness on environmental conservation and to encourage people to protect this beautiful earth of ours.
Maybe your school is doing some ‘green’ activity, such as planting trees, or asking students to recycle unwanted tin cans and stuffs. Or maybe your Nature Society is holding a trip to the forest park to learn about nature and ways to conserve the environment.
There are lots of things you can do on Earth Day. And it DOESN’T have to be big (unless you are volunteering for a big environmental association or organization, like Greenpeace).
Remember the 3Rs? Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
You can start by maybe not wasting so much paper. In my line of work as an editor, I HAVE to save lots of paper! We try to reduce the use of paper BECAUSE editing requires lots of paper usage (for manuscripts, printing, etc.).
And the reason we don’t want to use LOTS of paper is because TREES have to be cut down to make paper! And the more trees are cut down, the lesser trees there will be. We don’t want to ‘hurt’ the trees if we can help it! Trees are important, really. They provide shade, they supply oxygen, and they just beautify the environment. But there’s more than that.
And we reuse papers. For example, we don’t take out new clean sheets of paper when doing editing. We reuse ‘one-sided’ printed papers! That’s right! We write on the other side of the paper which is BLANK. That’s called ‘reusing’! Imagine how many tonnes of paper can be saved!
How about recycling? Well, we can recycle things we don’t need anymore, such as old newspapers, magazines, books, etc..
So how are you going to celebrate Earth Day? It doesn’t have to be boring. You can invite your friends over for an ‘Earth Day’ party.
Ask each friend to bring over their old magazines or newspapers. Ask them to put them inside a ‘special’ box, which will be sent to the recycling centre. After all that is done, you and your friends must have been pretty weary sorting out books and newspapers and stuffs!
Then, it’s time for PARTY! Go buy tasty treats (maybe a BIG cake) for yourselves, and watch a movie about the EARTH. I recommend documentaries such as “An Inconvenient Truth” by Nobel Prize laureate Al Gore. You can also watch great cartoons such as “Open Season 2”, in which it focuses on the theme of the environment (like saving the forest, etc.).
See? Isn’t that fun? It’s simple as that! But maybe you can come up with more creative ideas than me! So why not give your ideas a try?!
Our EARTH will be so proud to have eco-warriors like you!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Science Arena 26 WINNERS! 第26期科学竞技场的优胜者!
The best thing about being a Science Arena winner is that you'll be showered with PRIZES! The another best thing (which you'd have never anticipated) is to have our Pelangi Scientist team come to your school and give you the SURPRISE of a lifetime!
Yes, that's right! The Pelangi Scientist team pays a visit to the winner's school, and hands him/her prizes PERSONALLY (sounds royalty, doesn't it?). So a WINNER doesn't actually have to check the mailbox on a regular basis for his/her prize.
No. The Pelangi Scientist team wants to give you SPECIAL treatment. We want to SEE you. FEEL you (ok, not really... but you get the point). We really want to catch a glimpse of the face of that GENIUS who managed to GET all his answers right in Science Arena! It's an honour for us, really!
We really WANT to congratulate the Science Arena 26 winners! Good job! Keep up the good work!
Who knows, we may pay the next winners a visit in a helicopter.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Save The Whales! 请救救鲸鱼!
But 680 (no kidding) whales had been caught by ships since last November! 680 is really a huge number! That’s even more fish that you can eat in a year! If nothing is done to stop whaling, I have no doubt that whales will soon be an extinct clan. Just like the dinosaurs. At least whales do not have sharp, raging jaws like dinosaurs. They’re harmless, beautiful creatures! Why do people want to hunt them down? Just leave them be.
But the question really is ….. do scientists need to hunt down that many of a whale? There may be some corruptions there, as alleged. But we really don’t know for sure. There are always some chances that whale meat is “embezzled” for profitable means.
I’m glad that Greenpeace is doing something about this. The future existence of whales depends on our deep and full support. We really don’t want to see such creatures extinct from the face of the earth. If they really do, at least you can preserve their so-called existence through videos, or even your Moby Dick (remember the Blue Whale?).
But that’s just different! Getting to experience the presence of actual, real whales is much, much more awesome than seeing them on the TV. And the best part is that whales can be preserved for future generations to see!
How cool is that?
If you want to read more about the recent Japan whaling issue, visit this site:
但真正的问题是... ..科学家真的需要追捕大量的鲸鱼作为研究吗?这其中或许有问题。但是我们真的不知道。说不定鲸肉也有可能成为人们赚钱的工具。
如果你想阅读更多关于最近的日本捕鲸问题,请参考以下网址: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090414/sc_afp/japanwhalingenvironmentgreenpeace;_ylt=At3tJafPRtTwtdAj2YeWhX8PLBIF
*《白鲸记》(Moby Dick)是十九世纪美国作家赫尔曼‧梅尔维尔(Herman. Mllville)写的著名代表作。此作品已被视为美国文学史上最伟大的小说之一。故事是说一位名叫亚哈(Ahab)的“裴庞德号”(Pequod)捕鲸船长帶领全体船员,追捕一条叫作“莫比·迪克”(Moby Dick)的大白鲸的历险过程。
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
ANTI-ANTS!!!! 远离蚂蚁!!!!
Issue 28 Wonderful Water 食水得来不易
Our seas, rivers and lakes are the source of water. Without water, we cannot survive. However, human activities have created water pollution. What are the causes of pollution? What effects does pollution have on living things in the water? Find out in this section.
DIY Science — Sinking Under Water: Mini Submarine
Create your own mini submarine! This experiment will help you to understand about how a submarine works. How does it sink or float? What does density have to do with it? Dive into the depths of scientific discovery!
科学DIY -迷你潜艇
Sports Review — Racing against Time under Water
Do you love swimming? If you do, then you'll be interested to learn about its origin. You'll be introduced to the different styles of swimming. Immerse yourself in this exciting section.
Famous Scientist Comic — A Dream Come True
What happens when we sleep? Can we really enter a person's dream? Join James and Tommy in an exciting, dreamy adventure as they unravel the myteries of the sleeping human brain. Come and join the fun in Dreamland!
Mysteries of Earth — Earthquakes (4)
Earthquakes can be devastating. How can we determine the direction of an earthquake? Is there a device for this? And just what is an epicentre? Get all the details here!
Science Lab — Let us Play the Paper Game!
Paper is something which we can write on. But do you know that you can do lots of interesting stuff with paper? You'll discover fun facts about paper and its properties as you play exciting paper games!
Eco Paradise — The Magic of Vitamin C
Have you ever eaten oranges? Do you know that they contain Vitamin C? Just what does Vitamin C do to your body? Understand about the 'magic' of Vitamin C for your health! And find out what other fruits contain Vitamin C!
Issue 27 The Skeleton 骨骼知多少
What makes the human body skeleton so special? Do you know that you have a skeleton inside your body? What do the bones actually do? Explore skeleton parts and understand about bones. Learn how to protect your bones from damage. And answer an interesting quiz about the skeleton! Without a skeleton, you cannot perform many activities that you do today!
DIY Science — Recreating Röntgen's X-Ray Images
If you have a broken bone, the doctor will need to perform an X-ray on you. You'll be able to see your broken bone! Wouldn't it be wonderful if you can create your own X-ray machine? Yes, you can! Learn more about the X-ray as you perform your own X-ray experiment!
Famous Scientist Comic — Darwin's Great Voyage
Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who discovered the theory of evolution. Do you know that animals and humans have evolved through the centuries to look the way they are now? Join James and Tommy as they travel back in time to learn about Darwin and how he has made an revolutionary breakthrough in the science of evolution.
Science Magnified — Toothbrush Science
Do you know that humans first started cleaning their teeth using tree barks? How lucky we are today to be using the toothbrush we have today! Learn about the history of toothbrush and how it had evolved through many centuries. Remember, brushing your teeth is important to prevent cavities and periodontitis. Periodontitis? Well, you'll know more when you read this section!
Eco-Paradise — Demon of the Microscopic World - Bacteria
When explorers dug out the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Egypt, they died mysteriously! Finally, the truth was uncovered. The cause of death was BACTERIA! Explore the different types of bacteria and whether all bacteria are harmful or not.
Sports Review — Active Bicycles
Do you know that there are different type of cycling races? Understand about the structure of the biycle and how it works! If you love bicyling, why not give it a shot? You may become a sports cyclist in the future!
Mysteries of Earth — Earthquakes (3)
Earthquakes are caused by spreading vibrations known as seismic waves. These waves are created when rocks berak apart due to the earth's crust movement. Increase your geological knowledge as you understand about the four types of seismic waves in this section. Who knows that one day you may be a geologist?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Issue 26 Riddle of Sound 声音之迷
Try to knock on a door. Or drop a coin onto the floor. Do you hear any sounds? Just why do these objects create sounds? Where do sounds come from? Explore the science of sounds and how sound waves work.
DIY Science — Voice changer telephone
Create your own DIY Science telephone which can make your voice sound different! You can even talk to your friends with it!
Famous Scientist Comic — The Electrical "King Kong"
When the Professor inserts an 'artifical intelligence' chip on a washing machine, hell breaks loose! The washing machine merges with other electrical appliances to form the ultimate 'electrical' monster! It's up to the Professor, James and Tommy to stop this "King Kong" before it creates a deadly chaos!
Eco-Paradise — Unveiling the secrets behind carnivores and herbivores
Why do carnivores eat meat? And why do herbivores eat plants? How do the structures of these animals affect their diet? Secrets will be unveiled in this section.
Mysteries of Earth — Earthquakes (2)
Do you know that faults are created after an earthquake? Just what is a fault? There are several types of faults. And do you also know that earthquakes happen at the moon as well? Read more on the interesting phenomenon of earthquakes!
Sports Review — A Graceful Horse Riding Experience
Horses are creatures which have been on this planet formany centuries. The creatures of beauty, horses had been used as a mode of transport and for the purpose of ... sports. Equestrianism involves riding horses in a competition. Find out about the history of equestrianism and the function of equestrian equipment.
Science Lab — The sound trap
Marie Rabbit and Lionstein are trying to capture Robber Cow by using the help of ... sounds! By knowing about the characteristics of sounds, they apply this knowledge in helping them to catch Robber Cow. Learn about the interesting world of sounds and their properties!